Kids Classes

Warning : All classes will be given in French. However, most of our instructors are able to respond in English from time to time.
At Maniak, our priority is to provide high-quality classes that suit to the level of everyone. We have set up a range of lessons  with a pedagogy adapted to the age of the participants, answering precies criterion used as workbases for your kids sessions.

Anciens élèves: réinscription à partir du 18 novembre 2024 à 12h.

Même jour, même cours même heure du 18/11 au 11/12/2024

Réinscription dans un autre cours du 12/12 au 13/12 uniquement en envoyant un mail à 

Nouveaux élèves :  inscription à partir du 16/12/2024 à 10h

Si vous envoyez un mail, n’oubliez pas d’indiquer: 
 nom de l’enfant + la salle 

Comment choisir le bon cours ?

Odoo - Echantillon n°1 pour trois colonnes


Discover the world of climbing.This class will  introduce your child to the basics but also the subtleties of the sport, while having fun.

Odoo- Echantillon n° 2 pour trois colonnes


This class is reserved for children who have already followed the initiation classes or who have a good basics in climbing. The gestures and the different techniques will be thoroughly worked on in order to make your child autonomous.   
seront travaillées en profondeur afin de rendre votre enfant autonome. 


Odoo- Echantillon n° 3 pour trois colonnes


Your child has become a passionate climber and wants to improve his/her climbing skills? Thanks to this class, climbing will have no more secrets for him/her.

Odoo - Echantillon n°1 pour trois colonnes


This class is aimed at teenagers. It focuses on the pleasure of climbing, in all simplicity. It also focuses on climbing techniques, positioning and self-control.

Odoo- Echantillon n° 2 pour trois colonnes


Also aimed at teenagers, this class is aimed at young passionate climber, eager to push the limits. During these sessions, the instructor will be able to prepare and advise the youngster for possible competitions. 

Practical information:


 1st Semester (Sept - Dec.) : 175€
→  2nd Semestre (Jan - Juin) : 250€
Full Year (Sept - Juin) : 400€

Climbing school fee includes: 

→ Coaching by an instructor
→  Insurance
→ Harness and belay system
→ Remedial Class*

*The remedial class is only accessible to children who have missed at least 1 class.
It must be taken on the same day as the rest of the semester (for advanced courses; a Wednesday).
Il doit être pris le même jour que le reste du semestre (pour les cours de perfectionnement ; un mercredi)

→ For the first semester: there are 10 classes and 1 remedial class.
→ For the second semester: there are 15 classes and 2 remedial classes. 
