Kids Classes

Maniak Charleroi

At Maniak, we make it a point of honour to provide high-quality training adapted to each level.
We have therefore set up a series of classes, with a pedagogy adapted to the age of the participants,  that responds to precise criteria used as a basis for work during our sessions with your children.

Anciens élèves: réinscription à partir de début 2 mai 10h.
Même jour, même cours même heure du 2 au 15/05Réinscription dans un autre cours à partir du 16/05 jusqu'au 30/06

Nouveaux élèves:  inscription à partir du 1 juillet

Si vous envoyez un mail, n’oubliez pas d’indiquer: 
 nom de l’enfant + la salle 



Partez à la découverte de l'escalade en blocs. Ce cours permettra à votre enfant de découvrir les bases mais aussi les subtilités du sport  tout en s'amusant .



This class is aimed at teenagers. It focuses on the pleasure of bouldering, in all simplicity, it focuses on gestures and the development of techniques, eco-tips, positioning and self-control.     

Odoo- Echantillon n° 3 pour trois colonnes


Your child has become a passionate boulder climber and wants to improve his/her climbing skills? Thanks to this class, climbing will have no more secrets for him/her. 

Practical info:

Classes take place on Wednesdays and Saturdays.


  • First semestre (Sept - Dec.) : 140€
  • Second semestre (Jan - Jun) : 200€
  • Full year (Sept - Jun) : 320€

The price of the climbing school includes:

  • Supervision by an instructor
  • Insurance
  • Remedial Class*

*The remedial class is only accessible to children who have missed at least 1 class.
It must be taken on the same day as the rest of the semester (for advanced courses; a Wednesday).

→ For the first semester: there are 10 classes and 1 remedial class. 
→ For the second semester: there are 15 classes and 2 remedial classes. 

Equipment to bring:

  • Sports shoes with white soles or climbing shoes
  • Water bottle
  • Sportswear and elastic for long hair
  • Motivation and good mood
